Paul-Olivier Klein
时间:2023-11-07 作者:Paul-Olivier Klein 来源:中法学院
Paul-Olivier Klein是中国人民大学中法学院管理学方面的研究型教师。他同时也是法国里昂让-穆兰大学(里昂三大)副教授,是Magellan研究中心成员。他于斯特拉斯堡大学取得金融经济学(管理学分科)博士学位,博士导师为Laurent Weill教授。来华前,他曾在苏格兰阿伯丁大学任教并担任爱尔兰中央银行的经济学家。此外,他还曾在蒙特利尔高等商学院、康斯坦茨大学和芬兰银行等机构从事科研工作。他的研究领域为金融稳定和公司金融学,尤其对银行机构、宗教行为、绿色金融和金融评论感兴趣。他除了讲授与上述研究领域相关的课程外,也讲授金融分析、投资组合优化和金融衍生工具等课程。
Women self-perception and access to credit: The power of role models, with Jérémie Bertrand (Iéseg), and Caroline Perrin (University of Utrecht), Finance Research Letters.
Does relationship lending help firms to ask for credit? European cross-country evidence, with Jérémie Bertrand, and Marieke Delhange. Economic Modelling, 2023.
Bank Capital and Economic Activity, with Rima Turk-Ariss (IMF). Journal of Financial Stability, 2022, vol. 62.
Bank Profitability and Economic Growth, with Laurent Weill (University of Strasbourg). Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 2022.
Liquidity Creation and Trust, with Jérémie Bertrand, and Jean-Loup Soula (EM Strasbourg Business School), Journal of Financial Services & Research, 2021.
Creditor information registries and relationship lending, with Jérémie Bertrand. International Review of Law and Economics, 2021, vol. 65.
Persistent and transient inefficiency: Explaining the low efficiency of Chinese big banks, with Zuzana Fungacova (Bank of Finland) and Laurent Weill. China Economic Review, 2020, vol. 59.
Bond Offerings in China: The Role of Ownership, with Laurent Weill. Economics of Transition, 2018, vol. 26, 3, 363-399.
Religiosity vs. Well-Being Effects on Investor Behaviour, with Rima Turk and Laurent Weill. Journal of Economics Behaviour & Organization, 2017, 138, 50–62.
How Sukuk Shapes Firm performance, with Christophe Godlewski (University of Strasbourg) and Laurent Weill, The World Economy, 2017.
Why Do Companies Issue Sukuk?, with Laurent Weill, Review of Financial Economics, 2016, 31(1), 26-33.
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